Peeves has taken us on a journey through dog sports and taken us to several different states to compete. He excels in the rally ring with his flamboyant personality, earning the nickname "The Magnificent Peeves".
Nice style, good leg. Very nice head planes, great scissor bite. Has nice foot timing.
Nicely built with good proportions. Good front assembly, back quarters has good angulations. Good reach and drive.
Good bone on front quarters, back quarters are well angled. Covers ground effortlessly.
Peeves qualified for the 2023 Rally National Championship in the Advanced class. We hope to qualify again for the 2025 RNC is the excellent or master class. Peeves recently earned his FCAT title and will continue competing to earn his FCAT2 title.
Peeves is currently working on earning his Rally Champion, Rally Master, and Rally Choice titles. He is also working on earning his Preferred Obedience Novice title. We hope to earn his international veteran champion title in November.
CHIC: 163713
Hips: Good - GR-131088G27M-VPI
Elbows: Normal - GR-EL50679M27-VPI
Advanced Cardiac: Normal - GR-ACA7389/39M-VPI
Eyes: Normal w/ BO D1b - GR-EYE25019/69M-VPI (04/24)
Progressive Retinal Atrophy GR 1: Clear
Progressive Retinal Atrophy GR 2: Clear
Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration: Clear
Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis: Clear
Degenerative Myelopathy: Clear
Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome: Clear
Sensory Ataxic Neuropathy: Clear
Congenital Ichthyosis 2: Clear
We currently have puppies available from our June 2024 litter, who are looking for loving homes. There are show, sport, and pet puppies still available.